BenQ XL2410T

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1 Specifications

Panel type:TN
Max. refresh rate:120 Hz
Processor:MST 8230V-LF (MSTAR)
Backlight type:LED (white, edge)
LED driver:OZ9998A (o2micro)
Price (approx.):USD 380
Monitor release date:2011-07
This review's date:2013-04

Service menu BenQ XL2410T

2 Comparison with other LCDs

The BenQ XL2410T is an outdated model. See BenQ XL2411T or BenQ XL2420T.

3 How to enter the service menu

Have the monitor connected to a valid signal source. The service menu can be entered by keeping the 2nd button from the left ("menu" button) pushed while powering the monitor on. Pushing the "menu" button again will call up the service menu. The "menu" button will react normal again after the next power-on.

4 LED switching characteristics

BenQ-XL2410T gap-pulse 40-10.png


BenQ-XL2410T gap-pulse 50-10.png


PWM input (blue, inverted polarity) and luminance output (red) for a 10ms pulse which was preceded by either a 40ms or 50ms gap during which the LED backlight was switched off. Obviously, for the 50 ms gap, the LED driver falls asleep and it takes the driver about 6 ms to fully wake up. Notice the small delay (0.5 ms) of the first luminance peak with respect to the input signal. This delay is not present in the 40 ms gap measurement.

Obviously, such wake-up behavior is not suitable for tachistoscopic setups.

The measurements have been taken with a Thorlabs PDA36A photo diode whose gain was set to 50dB (BW=100kHz). The traces were recorded with a Picoscope 4224 oscilloscope at 10MS/s.