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rising (on) falling (off)
Delay [µs] 1
Slope [µs] 3

Table 99: LED backlight switching times as measured from the rising and falling edges of the luminance curve when switching the backlight on and off. Shown are the average values with standard deviations. The delay is the time it takes for the luminance to change by 10% after the according trigger signal edge occurred. The slope is the time it takes for the luminance to rise from 10% to 90% (or fall from 90% to 10%, respectively).

This template inserts a table for the LED switching times (delay and slope for rising and falling edge). The first template parameter is the table number (see table caption), which is followed by 8 (numerical) parameters comprising the average time values along with the standard deviations (all in microseconds). The order is delay/rise, delay/fall, slope/rise, slope/fall, each with two values, the mean and the standard deviation. The table is a left-floating element, i.e., it lets text float along its right side, like it is shown here. The caption is created automatically.

If the table number is omitted (empty), the caption is enclosed by <caption></caption> tags.

The example table on the left (with caption) is created by:

{{LedSwitchTimesTable | 99         
| 1 | 0.1 | 2 | 0.2 
| 3 | 0.3 | 4 | 0.4}}

Note that space and newline characters are stripped from the template parameters before they are inserted into the table.