Template:Settling settings

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Unfortunately, the LCD settling behavior depends quite a lot on the monitor settings, and it is impractical to measure and report the results for all the possible setting combinations. The monitor's factory settings should give a good starting point though, assuming that these are the settings the monitor has been optimized for. However, if the factory settings are too far off from any reasonable monitor calibration, more realistic settings should be used. One particular problem arises when colored scenes and color calibration comes into play. This is because the gains for the color channels (Red, Green, and Blue), along with the Contrast setting, define the maximal nominal range of operation, i.e., the maximal luminance per primary color. If these settings are not maxed out, the remaining range can be used internally by the monitor for overdrive. But even if overdrive is not active, the settling behavior of the LC cells still depends on the chosen operating range.

This makes it difficult to choose good settings for the measurements. On the one hand, the measurements (or derived parameters) should provide information about the maximal available operating range, allowing the user to make an educated choice about the extent the operating range should be possibly delimited for best performance given the application in mind. On the other hand, the measurements should reflect the monitor's performance under the most commonly used circumstances.